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Plant Protectors

We are Manufacturer, Supplier of Plant Protector from Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.

KGM Protector is a blend of natural polymer of glucosamine with the extracts of herbal and material of vegetable origine. It is a plant in-situ immunity booster for the buildup of the natural immunity of the plant.

KGM Protector
  • • Promotes plant growth and increases crop growth, thereby increasing crop yield.

    • It protects plants from fungal diseases, i.e. rot, wilt, powdery mildew etc.

    • It prevents soil borne diseases there by increasing healthy root development in crops.

    • It creates natural disease resistance to crops.

  • • Drenching Foliar spray:- 2 - 3 ml / Liter of water

    • Drip irrigation:- 1 L/ Acre

  • • 100 ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1Lg.