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Chelated Micronutrient Fertilizers - EDTA

We are Manufacturer, Supplier of Chelated Micronutrient Fertilizers - EDTA from Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.

KGM MaxCheal-Ca contains 10% Calcium. Its unique EDTA formulation makes it easily accessible to plants. It provides plants with calcium nutrients quickly and easily.
KGM MaxCheal-Ca EDTA is found to be effective in reducing frequency browning and shoot necrosis on crops, it hold cell wall together, Improve Metabolic activity (Enzyme Activator), Improve Plant Resistance.

KGM MaxCheal Zinc
  • • Plants need calcium for cell wall development and growth.

    • Calcium is in the form of calcium pectate and it is responsible for holding together the cell walls of plants.

    • It is also used in activating certain enzymes and to send signals that coordinate certain cellular activities.

    • Calcium contributes to soil fertility by helping maintain a flocculated clay and therefore with good aeration.

    • Ca in plants leads to a breakdown of cell walls and membranes, susceptibility to a variety of diseases and post-harvest problems

    • Calcium is an essential element needed for the growth and development of plants under both non-stressed and stress conditions.

  • • Foliar spray: - 1 - 2 gm/L of water

    • Drip irrigation:- 1 kg / Acre

  • • 100gm, 250gm, 500gm, 1kg